Saturday, November 10, 2012

No sew bunting

Long time no chitty chat hey? We moved a few weeks back, 45 minutes down the road but a million miles from where we were. We've spent the last few years feeling a bit isolated, so we have moved home. Some things don't change (kids are still great but tiring), but we are happier living near the ocean and friends.

Now that we are almost unpacked (not unpacking completely since we are renting a friend of a friends place while we look for one to buy) I have been making an effort to get to some projects that have been sitting around for a while.

Today's no sew bunting is a great one for those that are a little challenged in the craft department (like me!).

I picked up a stash of napkins a while back for about 20 cents each. I don't think anyone has used apricot for decorating since about 1988, but mix it up with some patterned 70's orange (sounds hideous doesn't it?) and voila! 5 minutes a couple of dollars and bunting!

I've ties the napkins together rather than sew, basically because I'm lazy, but you can use any excuse you like. to enjoy some more of the springshine!
